Well I was happy to get a couple notes from Guantanamo Bay. Here is the 1st letter I got. The person who wrote it said I could post it, if I removed his name and some other things, but here it is:

I am a (rank removed) stationed at Guantanamo Bay Cuba.  I visit the camp daily and I just wanted to say that the Al Qaida Cam cartoons and the Martyr Machine cartoon have  brought great laughter to our troops here.  Your cartoons are so opposite and therapeutic from what really goes on here.  These "Detainee's" are treated better in some ways then the people who guard them.  (some people) are so much more concerned with how the "Detainee's" are treated and could care less about the Soldiers and Marines guarding the camp.  (section removed)
Anyways, just wanted you to know that maybe you have touched a subject that really is important and have made a bit if a difference in the morale and welfare of real people who have left there homes to do this messy mission.
Thanks for the laughs and keep them coming.

(name and rank removed)

And in case you were wondering...Yes, The stick will be visiting them. I can't wait to get those pics!
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�2001 Rob Lewis